Sunday, September 30, 2018

First Time Coffee made by me. A lot of Fun

Last month I've bought a packet of coffee. today I've enjoyed that coffee. mother don't know how to make coffee. I knew that. I've prepared that coffee and drank it.
Coffee is very helpful for me. I think this sentence. before hard work, I love to take a cup of coffee. that will help me to work hard. the taste of coffee is very nice.
Let's make a cup of Mac Cofee.

Firstly you have to collect some items.
1. coffee
2. sugar
3. hot water
4. Cup
5. Spoon

Now Take hot water into the coffee cup.
Give Cofee with your spoon.
Give some sugar with your spoon.
Now You're ready to eat a cup of coffee.

It's very easy, right? - wrong. You have to control the sugar and coffee. I have absolutely no idea about this. so I've taste without sugar first. then I've searched for sugar. I've also used huge sugar. so the taste was more painful.

It was the First time for me. so I did a mistake. So whatever first time was very joyful.

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